
Top 10 Web Development Trends In 2022

Trends within the field of web development are always changing, and decision-makers in this industry need to be on their toes to stay competitive.

In the case of decision-makers, it gets vital and familiar for people for two reasons: one is to sustain rising competition and two is to sharpen knowledge about peers.

Web development trends are changing the way we interact with and use websites to attract customers, verify credit card information, or sign up for an account. In this post, we’ll talk about the top 10 emerging web development trends to look out for in 2022.

We constantly keep an eye out for the most recent web development news to make sure our clients are always up-to-date with the latest about their industry.

We are glad to be able to share this information with you as well and hope it will give you a good starting point of what’s hot right now in web design, mobile app development, and web development as a whole.

Here are the top 10 emerging web development trends to look out for in 2022:

1. Blockchains

Blockchain technology is not bound to cryptocurrency, but it is much more. The blockchain can be used in many different ways and create efficiency within various industries such as the financial sector or healthcare.

But, what exactly is a blockchain? A blockchain is a decentralized database that stores information in blocks that are made up of data and are linked together.

The most intriguing part of it is the fact that a blockchain can be used to store sensitive data. This database is impossible to corrupt as any unauthorized change in the stored information is prevented by complex mathematics and cryptography.

In 2022, we will see more developers use blockchain technology not only in cryptocurrencies but also for authentication purposes and to disrupt the way in which we conduct transactions.

2. Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a software development practice in which all members of a team integrate their code into the main branch frequently, usually, each person integrates at least daily – leading to multiple integrations per day. This can be done by using a centralized server so that developers and other programming staff can log on and see the latest build of the software.

Building off of this practice is Continuous Delivery which is a process that allows for more reliable deployment by automating the software development pipeline from integration to testing to updating in production. While continuous delivery works well for small teams, it will become increasingly important as organizations scale up.

Web development teams will need to find ways to automate the development and deployment processes so that they can deliver updates faster.

3. Progressive Web App (PWA)

Progressive Web Apps are a new type of web app that works for every user regardless of browser choice because they’re built with progressive enhancement as a core tenet. The service worker, for example, is supported by all modern browsers and is used for offline support.

The HTML5 app manifest file allows you to serve a specific experience to users

based on the capabilities of their device such as display size or available technology like push notifications.

These web apps behave very much like regular mobile apps because they can be added to the home screen of a device and load instantly. They’re responsive, interactive and can be installed on any mobile device running Android or iOS.

In 2022, this will become more popular as developers incorporate PWA’s into their application development process. The technology is already there; we just need to use it!

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Replacing Humans

AI is still very new to the web development industry, but it has already proven its benefits. AI allows us to build algorithms that perform complex tasks such as recognizing faces or understanding speech. It is able to learn by itself and improve over time without any human intervention.

We are already seeing some of these AI systems in action today. WordPress now has an add-on called WP Customer Review that can analyze your reviews and suggest improvements right on the page. This is possible thanks to AI machine learning technology.

In 2022, we will see more companies gain interest in these advanced AI systems and start adopting them into their websites in order to provide a better experience for customers and improve conversion rates.

5. Secure Development

In 2022, the biggest problem in web development will be securing our sites and applications against data breaches. Cyber attacks are getting more sophisticated by the day so it’s important that we develop our own solutions to protect ourselves from being hacked and compromise client’s sensitive information.

CMS’s such as WordPress have millions of users and vulnerabilities appear nearly

every day, but the WordPress team is always on top of things by releasing patches and updates swiftly.

Our best bet for security is to have a secure development process in place that incorporates penetration testing from the start. We need to maintain our sites and applications regularly so that we don’t get hacked or let attackers take control of our systems. This also applies to testing and development teams; they need to create secure code that is free of security flaws and vulnerabilities.

6. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a very new technology, but we are already seeing it being incorporated into web development to improve the customer experience by providing an immersive environment. In this world, everyone will be able to create and share virtual reality experiences.

Today, we are seeing the first wave of VR

devices starting to come online like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive but in 2022 the market will be flooded with even more affordable consumer versions. It’s only a matter of time before most web developers start incorporating VR into their websites.

7. Angular 6

Angular is an open-source web application framework created by Google and used in over 1000,000 websites today. It was originally designed for building single-page applications but is now being used to create many other types of applications as well. Angular’s biggest advantage is that it allows you to build JavaScript-based apps on top of HTML5.

In 2022, we will be seeing the release of Angular version 6.0 which will bring some big changes to the table.

8. Tailored Online Experiences

Many web developers are focusing mostly on providing generic experiences for all types of users but in 2022 it’s going to become more popular to tailor the user experience based on specific scenarios or actions. For instance, some users visiting a website might have different rules applied to them than others depending on the type of content they are viewing or their previous behavior on the site.

We will also see more websites integrating 360-degree video into their marketing campaigns as this technology becomes more affordable for the general public. In 2022, we’re likely to see the release of more virtual reality headsets that consumers can purchase at affordable prices.

9. Virtual Assistants

It’s only a matter of time before we see the emergence of voice-controlled assistants that will be able to help us with everything from setting up our work schedule on our calendars, to ordering food and booking flight tickets online using natural language.

In 2022, we are sure to see some of the major Internet players like Facebook and Google create their own virtual assistants with the help of machine learning technology. These assistants will use a combination of contextual awareness and artificial intelligence to provide us with an accurate and meaningful experience while interacting with them through voice commands or chatbots.

10. Microsites

Microsites will be used by many companies in the future as they provide a more customized and advanced way to market products or services compared to traditional websites.

There are two main types of microsites: an information-based site that provides specific information about a product or

service; and transactional sites which are used for shopping carts, booking systems, and online transactions.

These are the top 10 web development trends to look out for in 2022. I’m sure there will be many others to come but we can’t predict what the future holds. Make sure you talk with your web design agency and create a plan to stay ahead of the competition.