
How to build an SEO-Friendly Website?

The current internet commerce scenario is rife with competition, owing to the fact that almost every other company is lining up to establish an online presence. In other words, having a website isn’t enough anymore – you have to make it SEO-optimized in order for it to appear at the top of search results.

The importance of creating an SEO-friendly website cannot be overstated. Integrating SEO improvements into your website will improve your visibility on search engines and especially on Google SERPs. Because Google accounts for more than 90% of worldwide organic search traffic, it’s critical to make the bots’ job easier in order to rank quickly and easily.

Here are some tips for improving the SEO of your website.

Make your URLs user friendly

Long, complicated URLs can cause problems for search engine crawlers. A long URL has a higher chance of being cut off, which results in inaccurate indexing by Google. Also, it is difficult to remember long URLs – so you will lose user interest if they have to go back and forth between your website and the SERP just because they can’t remember your URL.

Make sure to use keywords in URLs whenever possible. However, don’t stuff them – Google will penalize you for unreadable spammy content. Use hyphens when necessary to split long words into short ones.

Understand your audience

It is important to know who your website’s target audience is and what kinds of pages they are likely to appear on. The content you write should be specifically targeted at the keyword phrases that your audience would use while searching for information on them.

For example, if your website sells furniture, make sure to integrate keywords like “wooden sofa” into your content, rather than just using generic terms like “sofa.” If you are selling furniture online, then the URL of your product pages should be relevant to the keywords that you are targeting.

Plan your brand’s visual identity

The next phase is to establish your company’s or website’s brand identity in order to create a strong bond with the target niche. Here, you must develop a distinct branding strategy that will help you define and express your business’s brand identity in the current competitive market.

Here’s a rundown of the most important elements that contribute to the idea of the brand and should be included in your branding strategy:

1. Company slogan – It will become a part of your company’s branding and identity.

2. Logo design – A good logo is simple, unique and easy to remember.

3. Tagline – It should give the marketing aspect of your business an instant identity.

4. Visual identity – Colors and images play a vital role in creating a distinct brand personality. Make sure that your website uses colors and images that resonate with your target audience and reflect the brand personality that you are trying to create.

5. Brand name – Come up with a name that your target audience will readily identify with and remember.

Keyword selection

Google’s algorithm is based on keywords. Therefore, it is important to select the right keyword phrases while creating titles, descriptions and other SEO-friendly content. Always use the most relevant keyword phrases, while avoiding repetition and overuse of keywords.

A good practice is to first select keyword phrases and then work on individual content, as opposed to creating an entire website and looking for relevant keywords.

Also, make sure that you research your competition before selecting keywords. Find out what other websites in your niche are using as their primary keywords and then try to come up with something that differentiates your website.

Using keywords in the domain and the title tag

The website’s URL and title tag should use relevant keywords that users would be looking for when searching on Google. It is important to select a unique title tag that reflects your brand name, rather than generic terms like “furniture.” Also, make sure to optimize the length of your URLs for your target keywords.

Consider mobile-responsiveness

For a long time, “responsive” has been the SEO-friendly phrase to use when describing websites. A responsive website is one that can readily adjust to any type of screen size, regardless of the user’s computer or device. The focus shifted to “mobile-responsive website” in 2021, rather than “responsive.”

As per Google’s latest algorithm updates, your website must be fully functional on different screen sizes, especially those on mobile devices. You should make it a point to test your website’s responsiveness on all kinds of different screens before launching it. Hire a web design company in India to ensure that your website is configured optimally for all types of devices.

Quality content is the king

Quality is the key to a good SEO-optimized website. However, it’s not always easy to achieve this for a large business or website selling multiple products or services. Having a clear editorial plan and the process will help you create SEO-friendly content with ease.

Remember these points while creating content for your site:

  • Search engine crawlers prefer website content that is easy to read and understand
  • Make sure that your content uses simple, straightforward language
  • Make it a point to include relevant keywords naturally within the body of your webpages – you don’t have to stuff them
  • Use the H1, H2 and other formats to highlight important keywords
  • Don’t use deceptive links
  • Make use of Google’s latest webmaster tools to measure and understand how your content is performing.

Don’t be a packrat

Remove the clutter from your site. Too much data, whether text or graphics, is often overwhelming and may even drive visitors away from your website. The bottom line is that you should only include what’s truly necessary for your customers and keep excess stuff out of it.

For example, if you are a website selling shoes, make sure that your main keywords – such as “shoes” and “sneakers” – appear in the first 100 words of each webpage. But, you can suspend the use of other keywords after that.

Final words

The best SEO-friendly websites are those that do not look out of place to search engine crawlers. They should have the right balance of content and keywords, while being easy on the eyes for users browsing them on different screen sizes.

Remember that your primary goal is to offer valuable information to your customers and followers, while creating a good online presence. If you’re looking for a web design company in India to help you with your SEO, get in touch with us. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who can offer our services for all kinds of online projects.